The society offers service for companies such as: Fiscal and Financial Consulting , procedures for the opening of the company(Start up business), Accounting, Market Studies, Loan Analysis and suport for the relation with the bank, Advice for the recrutions of Human Resources, and an update with the economic-financial situation in the country. Our Clientele Network, always growing , includes companies of differents profiles, starting from the small companies, big companies, and VIP Companies. We focus in the future of the Financial Services and working effectively with our clients. Our team can help in creating and maintaining an accounting function and can assist in obtaining and processing tax and managerial information . The Clients are provided with the right service by our qualified staff to increase their efficiency. The ability to communicate in foreing languages makes the studio suitable for foreign investors.
We offer for our clients, who starts the activity and need a specialized studio for their bookkeeping : accounting services, preparation of the financial sheets according to the accounting standarts and Albanian Law , preparation of other financial raports based on the needs of the clients , and other professional advices.
The office offers her help for he clients on the accounting cases which help in their dailiy activity, advices for cases for the preparation of the financial sheets, maintaining a high quality financial reporting structure. Our team helps the clients in knowing the accounting standarts and the implementation of accounting and finance management systems.
The Following of the liquidation and bankruptcy procedures for the company. The preparation of the financial sheets at the beginning of the liquidation procedures. Preparation of the final liquidation report as well as presentation of the financial sheets before the general assembly.The Announcment to the National Registration Center for the completion of the liquidation procedure as well as the application for deregistration of the company.
The office cooperates with any Enterprise or Professional who wants to open a new activity. Analyzes and compares indicators of different sectors as well as gives opinions about the profitability of the project.
The office offers its service concluding all the administratives procedures, starting from the choice of the tax and accounting situation. Informs the subjects regarding the registration procedures at the National Registration Center, the Social Insurance Institute, the State Labor Inspectorate as well as at the local taxes.
The office offers its service from the start-up phase, suggesting the best forms of financing for the new activity, as well as cooperating with financial institutions during loan contracting procedures. The studio offers the opportunity to make predictions on financial and economic terms which are closely related to the continuity of the activity.
Studies and tries to provide solutions to problems and issues that arise during the activity and that are presented by the Administration of the Company in relation to the evaluation and progress of the investment. Analyzes financial structure, Balance Sheet, Income Statement as well as Cash-Flow.
The office follows and gives suggestions to procedures for capital changes. It cooperates with the best law firms in Tirana for the establishment of companies, for the drafting of statutes as well as various contracts related to quote transfers.
Informs the subjects with the latest changes in the law. Helps the clients in the resolution of different problems related to VAT, and other taxes.We also, We assist clients in reviewing, preparing and filing tax returns for businesses and individuals
The office assist its clients in all the necessary procedures and the declaration of VAT , the Health Insurances ,Profit Tax,etc. All the declaration are made under the supervision of the Accountat of the Studio, in order to maximize fiscal advantages.
Studies the fiscal Law and follow state politics for certain activities and fiscal facilities. Cooperates with Legal Officies to to provide the highest quality service.
Helps on the interpretation of the fiscal Law for the subjects that has some disputes with the fiscal Administration. Assists and helps in the process of appealing at the regarding offices.Provides strategic tax advice and provides effective strategies regarding tax problems.
The office has a long experience on corporates , public finance and individual finance in all the tax levels. The services are intended to provide reasonable assurance on the accuracy of transactions carried out in the context of taxation views and to take preventive measures against tax violation and avoid serious consequences.
Annual personal income declarations.. Calculation of rental tax from individual creative work and other sources.
Assistance in the calculation and declaration of local taxes on property, facilities and land.
Personal consulting on financial matters, private pension funds and property management. Personalized services for specific issues. Consulting on investment strategies to maximize income turnovers.
Assistance for the interpretation of various administrative acts issued by the Tax Administration for individuals. Information on legal changes
Drafting personal budgets, private financing projects as well as evaluation of alternative financing offered by our close cooperation with Banks and Financial Institutions.
We provide for our clients to draft business plans studing the market and making an analysis of strong and weak side of the company called the SWAT Analysis.Also we offer an forcast of The Income Statement for the following years ,based on data provided by our clients.
Insurance of facilities and assets of companies and individuals as well as following insurance procedures. We cooperate with the most prestigious insurance company in Albania ,which is Sigma part of Vienna Insurance Group.
Certain companies in some specific moments may need an analysis of Financial Sheets ,when they are identifying a damage.We compile this analysis efficiently based on our long experience.
Our Office cooperates in contractual way with the Albanian Post and gives service for making payments for (Oshee, UKT, UKD, Car Fines, Taxes, Local Taxes,etc.).The purpose of this service is to provide facilities for our clients.